We don't discriminate - Our goal is to provide our visitors with a competitive source to obtain a referral to a real estate agent that is sensitive to the unique needs of our LGBT Community, so they may be served without the fear of working with someone whose views and opinions of the gay and lesbian community are not known.
Gay, Lesbian, and Gay Friendly are all Welcome!
Paid Search at Google and BING (yahoo) - Extensive SEO - Search Engine Optimization, Other SEM - Search Engine Marketing, and affiliate agreements with LGBTQ websites.
Because over 85% of all new searches for a "Gay Real Estate Agent" begin on-line and with the exact term in our unique URL (GayRealEstateAgents.com) we'll be showing up in the top search positions! PLUS, there is a never a referral fee.
Additionally, we've been at this for over 25 years! Nobody on the planet drives more LGBTQ home buyer and seller leads to real estate professionals than our team.
It's difficult to determine because instead of charging you exorbitant monthly fees for "territory", or asking for large referral fees on clients referred, we provide LGBTQ consumers with direct access to you! Cell number, e-mail address, website, and social media links.
The process to join takes only about 5 to 10 minutes; https://www.gayrealestateagents.com/agent-join Your profile is immediately verified, approved, and on-line instantly!